姓 名:余兴旺 职 称:副教授 主讲课程:质量统计分析、全面质量管理 研究方向:系统优化与决策、随机生态系统建模 办公地点:08实验楼C座408室 电子邮箱:xwyu2006@126.com |
余兴旺,理学博士,副教授、硕士生导师。研究兴趣包括演化博弈、系统优化与决策、复杂系统理论、随机生态系统建模等。截至目前,在《J. Theor. Biol》、《Nonlinear Anal.-Hybri.》、《Nonlinear Dyn.》、《Commun. Nonlinear Sci.》等国际学术期刊发表SCI论文20余篇,其中ESI高被引论文4篇;主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项、主持或参与省部级项目6项;现担任美国《Mathematics Reviews》评论员、河南省科学技术协会评审咨询专家。
1.Yuanlin Ma,Xingwang Yu#,Stochastic analysis of survival and sensitivity in a competition model influenced by toxins under a fluctuating environment,AIMS Math., 2024;9(4):8230-8249.
2.Yuanlin Ma, Yifan Wei, Tiantian Liu,Xingwang Yu#,Bifurcation dynamics in a stochastic population model with Beverton-Holt growth,Appl.Math.Lett., 2023;148:108892.
3.Xingwang Yu, Yuanlin Ma,Noise-induced bistability and noise-enhanced stability of a stochastic model for resource production-consumption under crowding effect and sigmoidal consumption pattern,Chaos Soliton.Fract., 2023;176:114135.
4.Xingwang Yu, Yuanlin Ma,Noise-induced dynamics in a single species model with Allee effect driven by correlated colored noises,J.Theor.Biol., 2023;573:111610.
5.Yuanlin Ma,Xingwang Yu#,Impact of correlated Gaussian colored noises on stability and stationary probability density for the randomly forced two-species competitive Gompertz model,Chaos Soliton.Fract., 2023;169:113288.
6.Lifan Chen,Xingwang Yu#, Sanling Yuan,Effects of random environmental perturbation on the dynamics of a nutrient phytoplankton zooplankton model with nutrient recycling, Math.,2022;10:3783.
7.Xingwang Yu, Yuanlin Ma,Steady-state analysis of the stochastic Beverton Holt growth model driven by correlated colored noises,Chaos Soliton.Fract, 2022;158:112102.
8.Xingwang Yu, Yuanlin Ma,An avian influenza model with nonlinear incidence and recovery rates in deterministic and stochastic environments,Nonlinear Dyn., 2022;108:4611-4628.
9.Yuanlin Ma,Xingwang Yu#,Stochastic stability and stationary probability density analysis for a nutrient-phytoplankton model with multiplicative and additive noises,Appl.Math.Lett., 2022;132:108201.
10.Yuanlin Ma, Xingwang Yu#,Stationary probability density analysis for the randomly forced phytoplankton zooplankton model with colored noises,Math., 2022;10:2383.
11.Hao Liu, Haodong Chen, Hengyi Zhang, Haibin Liu,Xingwang Yu, Shiqing Zhang,Contract design of Logistics service supply chain based on smart transformation,Sustainability, 2022;14:6261.
12.Xiaofei Kou, Hao Liu, Honghu Gao, Haibin Liu,Xingwang Yu,Cooperative emission reduction in the supply chain: the value of green marketing under different power structures,Environ.Sci.Pollut.R., 2022.
13.Xingwang Yu, Yuanlin Ma,Complex dynamics of a dysentery diarrhoea epidemic model with treatment and sanitation under environmental stochasticity: persistence, extinction and ergodicity,IEEE Access, 2021;9:161129-161140.
14.Xingwang Yu, Sanling Yuan,Asymptotic properties of a stochastic chemostat model with two distributed delays and nonlinear perturbation,Discrete Cont.Dyn-B, 2020;25:2373-2390.
15.Yuanlin Ma,Xingwang Yu#,The effect of environmental noise on threshold dynamics for a stochastic viral infection model with two modes of transmission and immune impairment,ChaosSoliton.Fract., 2020;134:109699.
16.Yuanlin Ma,Xingwang Yu#. Threshold dynamics of a stochastic SIVS model with saturated incidence and Lévy jumps. Adv.Differ.Equ., 2020;2020:273.
17.Xingwang Yu, Sanling Yuan, Tonghua Zhang,Survival and ergodicity of a stochastic phytoplankton zooplankton model with toxin producing phytoplankton in an impulsive polluted environment,Appl.Math.Comput., 2019;347:249-264.
18.Xingwang Yu, Sanling Yuan, Tonghua Zhang,Asymptotic properties of stochastic nutrient plankton food chain models with nutrient recycling,Nonlinear Anal.-Hybri., 2019;34:209-225.
19.Xingwang Yu, Sanling Yuan, Tonghua Zhang,Persistence and ergodicity of a stochastic single species model with Allee effect under regime switching,Commun. Nonlinear Sci., 2018;59:359-374.
20.Xingwang Yu, Sanling Yuan, Tonghua Zhang,About the optimal harvesting of a fuzzy predator-prey system: a bioeconomic model incorporating prey refuge and predator mutual interference,Nonlinear Dyn., 2018;94: 2143-2160.
21.Xingwang Yu, Sanling Yuan, Tonghua Zhang,The effects of toxin-producing phytoplankton and environmental fluctuations on the planktonic blooms,Nonlinear Dyn., 2018;91:1653-1668.